Side effects of amatem softgelSide effects of amatem softgel

Side effects of amatem softgel 

Hello and welcome to our health blog, am Chidiebere your online doctor, today we be discussing on the side effects of amatem softgel 80/480. You can also read our last post Mariprist drug price in Nigeria

Amatem forte softgel 80/480 is a very strong antimalarial tablets, which consists of mainly two active ingredients Artemether and lumefantrin. Which are known for the treatment of malaria, these ingredients are used to treat acute malaria caused by the plasmodium parasites.

There are lots of benefits you stand to gain when taking the amatem forte softgel, so also are there some side effects of amatem forte softgel. That’s why this post will help you know some of the basic side effects or talking this antimalarial tablets.

Before we move on let’s discuss with you, some of the benefits of taking the amatem forte softgel .

Side effects of amatem softgel
Side effects of amatem softgel

Benefits of taking amatem softgel

Whenever you take a tablet of this amatem forte softgel, your body fights off some of these disease causing bacterias. Thats why we said the amatem forte softgel is of great importance to the body, due to these functions.

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Amatem forte softgel interferes with the plasmodium falciparum to prevent the growth of parasites in the red blood cells.

The two combination of the amatem forte softgel Artemether and lumefantrin works together to prevent the plasmodium falciparum from completing its life cycle. Thereby reducing the tips of having malaria while aiding fast recovery.

How much is amatem forte softgel in Nigeria

The price of amatem softgel varies in Nigeria, depending on your location and mode of purchase. The price of amatem softgel is between ₦2,500 to ₦3,000, that’s the price range for the amatem forte softgel.

Side effects of amatem softgel
Side effects of amatem softgel

If you want to buy the box by 10 cards, then you will get it from our pharmacy at ₦21,000. We will get it delivered to you no matter your region.

You can get your amatem forte softgel at any pharmacy near you, ensure you get it from a certified pharmacist. Don’t Patronise over the counter drugs.

If you are in Aba or any states near Abia State, you can order from us, as we will deliver it to you at fast pace. You can get your drugs at a cheap rate both wholesale and retail from us @ Jamesworld pharmacy.

Possible side effects of amatem softgel

Just like every other drugs, the amatem softgel has also it side effects. Some of these side effects are noticed when you take an overdose of amatem softgel or if the drug is not favourable to your body.

Below are some side effects you may notice when you take the amatem softgel.

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • Sleep disorder
  • Rash
  • Abdominal pain
  • Itching
  • Palpitation
  • Fatigue
  • Body weakness

These are the side effects you will notice after taking the amatem softgel. If you notice any of this signs, it’s good you visit your doctor.

Side effects of amatem softgel
Side effects of amatem softgel

Some severe side effects like irregular heartbeat, difficult in breathing may occur, you should ensure you seek medical attention from your doctor.

Quick read Price of Ciprofloxacin and Tinidazole in Nigeria

Amatem forte softgel are well tolerated by both children and adults, some people may not experience any side effects while some people that experience this side effects are usually mild and tolerable.

How to take amatem softgel

When taking the amatem softgel you should make sure you follow your doctor’s prescription. Amatem softgel is a three days course with six dose medications that should be taken one softgel twice a day. It’s should be taken at 8 to 12 hours interval from the first pill.

You should take the amatem softgel  one in the morning, them wait for atleast 8 hours before taking tue next tablet. It should be taken twice a day for a complete 3 days.

Amatem softgel should be taken orally with a cup of water. Make sure you take it after eating a moderate meal, as this will help improve absorption. High fat foods or drinks such as milk are more preferred.


Contradiction and drug interactions

There are some conditions where Amatem forte softgel should not be administered. Conditions like allergy to Artemether and lumefantrin.

Precautions should be taken when administering amatem forte softgel to people with severe or acute Malaria. When taken with some of these medications can cause some serious interactions.

Certain medications like Rifampicin and antacid may cause some serious health reaction, so consult your doctor when you are on any of those drugs.

Amatem forte:  precautions 

  1. If you are pregnant or a breast feeding mother, do not take this amatem forte softgel until your doctor prescribed it for you
  2. For your safety it’s advised you should never involve yourself in any activities that requires alertness like driving. This is because you may become dizzy after taking the drugs
  3. If you are allergy to Artemether and lumefantrin, you should consult your doctor before using the amatem softgel.
  4. If you have any heart related issues, it’s advised you avoid taking amatem softgel.


Amatem softgel is a very strong antimalarial that can be used for the treatment of malaria and other symptoms of malaria.

Side effects of amatem softgel
Side effects of amatem softgel

There are some side effects associated with the amatem softgel. So you should ensure you visit your doctor if you noticed any of the symptoms after taking amatem softgel.

Thanks for reading, keep visiting our website for more interesting posts on the price of drugs and their functions on the body.

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