Best Anti malaria drugs in Nigeria 

Are you having malaria? Probably yes, that’s the main reason why you are reading this post. That’s why we have compiled list of the best Anti malaria drugs for treating malaria.

Hello and welcome to our health blog, am your online doctor, chidiebere. We have been writing about some of the best drugs and their prices in Nigeria. Today we will be more focus on providing you with the best anti Malaria drugs  for yourself, your wife and family.

Now let’s get the ball rolling, in this post we will cover some of the basic tips like

  • What malaria is
  • What cause malaria
  • How to prevent malaria
  • How to treat a malaria patient
  • The best drugs for malaria in Nigeria
  • How to take this malaria drugs
  • The side effects of using this malaria drugs

Sit tight, grab a popcorn and your note pad, as we will be listing out the best malaria drugs, how to take them, where to get them and their prices in Nigeria.

“Also read Price of Ciprofloxacin and Tinidazole in Nigeria

Also note, malaria is a very life threatening disease so you must make sure you treat it properly.

What is malaria

Its good we enlighten you on what malaria is, what causes it, how to prevent it and how to treat it when one is sick from it.

In Nigeria, malaria is a a common sickness due to the environment and the natural behaviour of people living in this part of the world. Malaria is a serious health issue in Nigeria that cause over 200,000 deaths every year. Making it one of the highest killer sickness in Nigeria.

Best malaria drugs for you
Best anti malaria drugs for you

According to WHO Nigeria has the highest case of Malaria in the world, which is the more reason why we must take the necessary steps to curb the diseases. Knowing the best Anti malaria drugs will play a huge role in combating this deadly sickness. Which is why you must take this post much serious.

Many funds has been invested so that this malaria can be curb, treated and since it cannot be eradicated, we must find a means to control it to the minimal.

What cause Malaria

Malaria is a deadly disease that is caused by a parasite called ” Plasmodium” that is been transmitted by the female anopheles mosquito. This parasites can be transmitted from the infected female anopheles mosquito to the human body through bites.

Blood transfusion and dirty needle can also help in spreading this diseases from one patient to another healthy individuals.

The main cause of malaria in Nigeria is from the female anopheles mosquito which is more common in Nigeria. And it is responsible for over 95 percent of malaria cases in Nigeria.

 symptoms of malaria

Just like any other sickness, malaria also has it own unique symptoms that help show that you have contacted the disease.

Best malaria drugs for you
Best anti malaria drugs for you

Many people may have different symptoms to malaria but below are some of the common signs associated with Malaria.

  • Headache
  • Pains
  • High fever
  • Poor appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • General feeling of discomfort

These are some of the known signs of Malaria, if you notice any of these signs , quickly consult your doctor, to get the best Anti malaria drugs. Don’t involve in self medications.

How to prevent malaria

Though malaria cannot be eradicated, but it can be reduced, there are some take if you want to prevent malaria. Some of these steps are to be done in a regular basis.

One of the best ways to treat malaria is by taking the best Anti malaria drugs, which will be listed here on this post. Some of the best way to prevent the spread of malaria are by ;

  • Keeping your environment clean and tidy
  • Avoid any stagnant water near your home
  • Remember to cut the grass low and keep them clean
  • Use insecticide to kill some of these insect.
  • Remember to take your best Anti malaria drugs if you notice any slight change in your body.

Taking all these necessary precautions will help you and your family stay healthy against malaria.

How to treat malaria patients

Adequate care should be taken when treating an infected patients,  the treatment must be administered early enough and also at the right dose.

That brings us to the next subheading

Best anti malaria drugs for the family

Below are some of the best Anti malaria drugs for your family, how to take them and how much they are sold in the market.


1. Lonart Ds tablets

One of the best Anti malaria drugs available in the market is the lonart Ds tablets. The lonart ds tablet works effectively in treating malaria by killing the parasites.

How much is supramult capsule

This tablet is great for treating malaria, it makes you feel better just few days after taking it.  Lonart should not be used for preventing malaria.

Best malaria drugs in Nigeria
Best Anti malaria drugs in Nigeria

How do you use lonart ds tablet

Lonart ds tablet should be taken twice a day for three days, it must be taken after meal. The lonart ds tablet should be swallowed with water and must be given at least an 8 hours interval before taking the next tablet.

How much is the lonart ds tablet

Currently the price for a packet of lonart ds tablet is sold at ₦2,500 and it’s available at any pharmacy near you. You can still place an order and we will get it delivered to you.

For your order placement, message us on WhatsApp @ 08069698497.

2. Camosunate adult

Camosunate tablet is another best anti malaria drugs available for combating malaria at it critical point.

Camosunate tablet is a common anti malaria drug that is used to treat uncomplicated malaria disease. It’s a combination of artesunate and Amodiaqune which helps fight off the parasite causing the disease.

How do you use Camosunate tablet

To use this camosunate tablet is quite easy and convenient to take, with the drug description written on the packet for easy understanding.

Best anti malaria drugs in Nigeria
Best anti malaria drugs in Nigeria

Camosunate tablet is taken twice a day, that is morning and night. The three tablets should be taken in the morning after meal, while the remaining tablets are taken in the night after meal.

Always follow your doctor’s prescription while taking the camosunate tablet. Due to it effectiveness, the camosunate tablet is also regarded as one of the best anti malaria drugs for you.

How much is camosunate tablet

The current price of the camosunate tablet is ₦1,800. With this amount you can get your original camosunate tablet available for you.

3. Artequick

Artequick is another good anti malaria drugs you should consider taking whenever you have malaria. It’s regarded as one of the best anti malaria drugs available in Nigeria, due to its effectiveness in the body.

How to take Artequick tablets

Just like every other malaria drugs, artequick should also be take after your meal. And should be taken in the morning and at night.

How much is Artequick

The price of Artequick tablets varies in Nigeria depending on your location. The general price of Artequick tablets in Nigeria is around ₦2,000-₦2,500.

You can also order from us via our WhatsApp number 08069698497. Once you make your order, we will get it delivered to you instantly.

4. P- Alaxin tab

The P- Alaxin tab is one of the best anti malaria drugs in Nigeria at the moment. It’s a very popular malaria drug that is used in combating malaria.

P- Alaxin tablet is made up of Artemisinin which is more suitable for combating malaria. Whenever you have an uncomplicated malaria, what normally comes to your mind should be P- Alaxin tablets.

How to take P- Alaxin tablets

P- Alaxin tablets is very much easy to take, just two tablet twice a day for 3 days. It should be taken with water after meal.

How much is P – Alaxin tablets

The price of P- Alaxin tablets in Nigeria is sold at ₦1,300 to ₦2,000. The difference in price depends on your location and place of purchase.

You can also order it from our pharmacy and we will get it delivered to you.

5. Amatem softgel

Another best anti malaria drugs on our list is the highly rated amatem softgel. The drugs comes in softgel to provide you an easy task while swallowing. Also this also help reduced the after test, unlike in other malaria drugs.

Best malaria drugs in Nigeria
Best Anti malaria drugs in Nigeria

Amatem softgel is used extensively in the treatment of plasmodium falciparum disease in the body. Especially when some other drugs are going.

How to take the Amatem softgel

The amatem softgel should be taken one tablet twice a day for fast recovery. The drug must be taken along with food, never take it on an empty stomach to avoid some serious health problems.

How much is the amatem softgel

A packets of Amatem softgel is currently sold at₦2,500 per packet. The price may be a bit higher or lower depending on your location

6. Waipa 

Another best anti malaria drugs in Nigeria at the moment is Waipa tablets. This drug is highly effective in treating malaria in both adults and children.

It’s highly recommended you take this waipa tablets whenever you have malaria. Remember, it should be taken after your meal.

Waipa tablets may have some negative effects on the body like weakness, fatigue and some other noticeable effects.

How much is Waipa tablets

Waipa tablets is now available at any pharmacy shop near you. The drug is valued at ₦1,500 per packet.

Other malaria drugs in Nigeria

  1. Emal injection
  2. malanther ds
  3. havax forte

Some of the best anti malaria drugs are listed here, all you have to do is select any of the above listed drugs and get them for yourself or any of your loved ones

These drugs are some of the best anti malaria drugs you should buy for yourself or your loved ones.

Side effects of taking anti malaria

Just like in any other drugs, anti malaria also have some side effects in the human body. Below are some of the more common side effects you will notice after taking any of the above-mentioned anti malaria drugs.

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Muscle ache
  • Pale skin

If you noticed any of these side effects, it’s normal but if it becomes serious, you should consult your doctor for proper treatment.

What is the most effective anti malaria drugs

There are many anti malaria drugs available in Nigeria, some are more effective than the others. Below are some of the most effective anti malaria drugs for you.

1. Chloroquine Phosphate 

Chloroquine Phosphate is a very strong antimalarial tablets that is used to treat malaria. It’s commonly used when the parasite is sensitive to other drugs.

2. Artemisinin- Based combination therapies ( ACTs)

This drugs is a common combination of two or more drugs that helps in combating the malaria in two different ways.

These are the two main most effective malaria drugs in Nigeria at the moment


Malaria is one of the most life threatening sickness in Nigeria at the moment. So proper treatment must be administered to it.

That’s why using this best anti malaria drugs will help in reducing the rate of malaria in Nigeria. We should take the necessary drugs to help combat malaria.

Another way to combat this malaria is by keeping our environment clean and tidy. This plays an important role in keeping us safe against the malaria parasites.

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