Best antacids for ulcer treatmentBest antacids for ulcer treatment

Price of danacid in Nigeria in 2024

Are you looking for the best drug for the treatment of hyperacidity, heartburn, peptic ulcer and Dyspesia, then you should buy Danacid tablet.

This antacid is a guarantee drug for the treatment of heartburn and even mild stomach ulcer, according to statistics it’s more effective than some other drugs.

Instead of waiting for the best drug to take why not Consult your doctor to help with a packet of danacid for your ulcer and heartburn.

What is danacid used for

Many of us usually complain of heartburn, acidity and even constipation but we never took them seriously. Instead we complain that the heartburn is caused by a particular food. That is not right, heartburn is not caused by a food, rather it’s triggered by a particular food.

Don’t say beans and yam are the main cause of your unending heartburn, then for that you wont be taking yam and beans. That’s a very big lie which we have been using to deceive ourselves for long.

Which is why we are introducing danacid to you as the best medicine for the treatment of heartburn, constipation and some form of peptic ulcer.

Danacid is a special antacids that helps to neutralise the acid in your stomach to relieve indigestion and heartburn. It’s so used to treat symptoms of extra gas such as bloating, belching and even feeling of pressure and discomfort in the stomach.

You see why having danacid tablets at home will really help you in preventing some simple gas related sickness.

Danacid comes in tablets and liquid, so you will have to take the one suitable for your family. Let’s keep going on where to get this drugs and how much they will cost you.

How much is Danacid tablet 

Currently, a packet of danacid is now sold for a thousand Naira(#1000)  while a roll of it is sold for eight thousand five hundred (#8,500).

Meaning with just as low as #1000 you can get a packet of Danacid, so note that the packets contains 10 cards and that’s equivalent to 100 tablets per packet. That’s good for your family, especially of you have a large family like ours you can go for two packets.

How much is Danacid in Nigeria
How much is Danacid in Nigeria

For more large scale sellers who will need it in large quantities, you can get the roll, which will be more cheaper. You can also go for the tin one, which contains 1,000 tablets and it’s been sold for only nine thousand Naira.

Anyone you choose, make sure you get a danacid tablets for your family.

Where to buy Danacid 

Danacid is readily available in pharmacies and medicine stores in Nigeria. All you should Do is visit any pharmacy near you and request for it.

In case you don’t know where to get it or you are to busy walk the pharmacy,  you can order it from us, simply by messaging us on WhatsApp via 08069608497. Once you make the payment we will deliver it to you.

How to take Danacid tablet  (Danacid dosage)

Danacid  is a chewable, mint flavoured tablets that relieving, heartburn, peptic ulcer and even indigestion. It’s easy to chew without having to fear of any after bitter effects.

The standard recommended dose for this antacids tablets is 1-2 tablets after meal of before bedtime. Sometimes, due to the severity of your case, the doctor may recommend you take more than 2 tablets.

Remember always consult your doctor before taking any medication.

Dancid side effects 

Every drugs have their own side effects and danacid is not left out, some of these side effects shows that the drug is working.  In some case, where the side effects is too much you will need to consult your doctor.

How are some of the symptoms of making this antacids.

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea
  • Headache

Having this symptoms is normal, but in case of severity, you will need to consult your doctor.

Can I take Danacid for ulcer 

Yes, Danacid is recommended for the treatment of ulcer especially in mild case. If you are having acute or serious ulcer, you should consult your doctor for proer Check up and medication.

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The food and drugs administration recommends Danacid for the mild treatment of ulcer, heartburn, indigestion and even constipation.

Best antacids for ulcer treatment
Best antacids for ulcer treatment

Who can take Danacid

There is nothing to worry about who should take Danacid,  Danacid  should be given to every member of the family both old and children. But remember, children dose should be reduced to prevent overdose.

It’s good to take antacids like danacid if you ha e any of the following issues

  • You are on a low sodiom diet
  • You ‘re pregnant or planning to get pregnant.
  • You have a heart failure
  • You are having high blood pressure
  • Have liver or kidney disease.

These as the major people to take their antacids prescription seriously.

Frequently Asked questions 

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions on how to use Antacids.

What forms do antacids come in

Antacids comes in two form.

  1. Liquid
  2. Tablets

The liquid works more faster and effective in relieving symptoms of heartburn and indigestion. It mostly given to children to help them.

What ingredients are in antacids

The ingredients available in antacids varies depending on the products and type, some common ingredients includes;

  • Calcium carbonate
  • Magnessium carbonate
  • Aluminium hydroxide
  • Magnessuou hydroxide
  • Laminate

These are the major ingredients used in producing antacids for our wellbeing.


When should I take Antacid

Though antacids especially danacid is sweet, it shouldn’t be taken regularly, it’s not a candy nor a gum. You should only take antacids only when you have symptoms of indigestion, heartburn and even ulcer.

Best antacids for ulcer treatment
Best antacids for ulcer treatment

Always follow instructions on how to use the drug to taking much of it which is not too good for a person.

Other Antacids available 

There are some other effective antacids you should try buying, some of them are;

  • Gestid
  • Rulox
  • Gaviscon
  • Gascol

These are another replacement for the danacid tablets.


Dancid is one of the best antacid for the treatment of indigestion, heartburn and even constipation.  Getting a packet of it, cost only a thousand Naira, for you and your family.

Thanks for reading this interesting posts if you have any questions or suggestions kindly use the comments box beliw;

You can also place your order from us and we will help you get your desire products delivered to you.

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