Does Clearbact cream bleachDoes Clearbact cream bleach

Price of Clearbact cream in Nigeria 

Ezcema, Acne, pimples and stretch mark  are some of the most discomforting skin diseases, which you probably need to treat. Clearbact cream is the best remedy for treating any skin diseases in your body. It helps wipe off all form of skin diseases making your skin, smooth and radiant.

Many of people have been battling with some discomforting skin diseases such as pimples and Acne without any remedy.  Which is why we have recommended this tested, trusted and approved cream for the treatment of any skin diseases.

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This cream is readily available in pharmacies in Nigeria at an affordable prices, in this post we will highlight some of the basic information about this cream, how to use it, where to get it, how much it is and even some side effects.

Before we delve into the main content, which is the price of Clearbact cream,  let’s first of all discuss some simple tips about this cream.

What does Clearbact cream does

I know must of you must have heard that some special cream are good for treating skin diseases,  but after using it you finds out that it didn’t work. Some might work but not to your satisfaction,  which is why we recommend Clearbact for your skin treatment.

You may ask, what is this cream used for, don’t rush we are going to blow your mind with what this cream can do.

Why use Clearbact cream for skin treatment
Why use Clearbact cream for skin treatment

Clearbact cream is a special cream that is used for the treatment of serious skin spot issues, eczema,  acne, and even rashes on the body. Which is why I always recommend it to people who needs a tone and radiating skin.

Due to its anti- inflammatory,  antipruritic and anti-allergic properties,  which helps it in treating many discomforting skin diseases without harming your skin.

Regular use of this cream will help keep your skin smooth, radiating and even well moisturised.

Back to your question, what does Clearbact cream does? It’s mainly used in the treatment of skin diseases like acne, pimples, eczema, skin rashes and even stretch mark.

This cream helps to clear off all these forms of skin diseases, which is why you need it as a lady inorder to keep your skin fresh and good looking.

How to use Clearbact cream 

Clearbact cream is very effective in treating any skin diseases,  which is why its advised you be very careful when using it.

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When using this cream you should follow the simple steps listed below;

  • Get a tube of Clearbact cream, open it using the cover
  • Press out some specific quantities into your hands and rub them all over your body.
  • Concentrate more on the affected area, like face, neck and even thr foot of yoir arr also having itchy feet.
  • Make sure to massage all part of the area with the cream using our hands.

Clearbact is mainly to used on the external part of the body, it shouldn’t come in contact with either your eyes, nose and even mouth.

How to.use Clearbact cream
How to.use Clearbact cream

Clearbact cream price in Nigeria 

With all these benefits you might think the price of this cream will be high, but NO, it’s way more cheaper than you thought.

A box of Clearbact cream is sold for six thousand five hundred naira (#6,500), meaning with just that amount you can get 12 tubes of Clearbact cream contained in a box.  Isn’t that cheaper than you thought.

Can I use Clearbact cream for skin treatment

If you can’t afford the box of 12 tubes, you can also get a tube which will be around six hundred or even six hundred and fifty Naira, depending on your area.

Don’t sleep on this rush now to get your own tube of Clearbact cream and enjoy a smoother and radiant skin.

Where can I buy Clearbact cream 

Clearbact cream is readily available in pharmacies in Nigeria at an affordable price,  all you have to do is visit any pharmacy near you and order for a tube of Clearbact cream.  Instantly it will be given to you.

Clearbact cream best for skin treatment
best cream for skin treatment

In some scenario, you might be too busy to step out, you can order for this cream online, simply by messaging us on WhatsApp using this number 08069698497.

Side effects of Clearbact cream 

Just like every other cream, Clearbact also has some side effects. If used safely and effectively there will be Side effects , side effects tends to occur when the cream is been misused.

Some times you might rub more than you are supposed to,  you used an expired cream, the cream has been exposed for too long. These are the major cause of side effects from using this cream.

Some of the side effects are;

  • Burning
  • Stinging
  • Redness of face
  • Swelling
  • Rashes
  • In some cases irritation

These are the major side effects of using Clearbact cream,  in this situation,  don’t panic stay calm and consult your doctor for help.

Don’t take advised from anybody, just consult your doctor and make sure you take any prescription he is giving you serious.

DOES Clearbact cream bleached

No, Clearbact cream is only used for the treatment of skin diseases on your body. It’s shouldn’t be used as a bleaching cream for bleaching.

It’s specially manufactured for clearing spots and even treating pimples, if your plan is to get a bleaching cream for your self, then you should avoid Clearbact cream.

Their have been many false talk that clear act cream can be used for bleaching, that’s a very big lie. Clearbact cream specially formulated to help keep your skin clear and beautiful without any trace of acne, pimples and even ezcema.

This clearbact cream is not ideal for bleaching, it can only help lighten your skin, helping it stay hydrated and tone.

Is Clearbact good for pimples

Yes, Clearbact cream is specially made for the treatment of skin diseases which pimple is one of it. One of the best cream for complete treatment against pimple is Clearbact.


Skin diseases like eczema and Acne can be treated effectively with Clearbact cream.  One of the best way to clear off skin diseases is by applying Clearbact cream  on it.

Are you having skin diseases,  which can be dangerous to your skin if not properly treated, which is why you should get a tube of Clearbact cream.


In case you didn’t get Clearbact for your treatment you can make use of some other cream for your skin treatment.  Creams like visita plus, neutroderm, olaybact and even Aquasulf.

In our next posts we will write enough about them

Thanks for reading this posts, if you have any questions or suggestions, kindly use the comment box below.

Keeping visiting as we keep you updated with the latest price of your choiced drugs and how to use them. You can also follow us on our Facebook page, Maxhealth group of company and on Instagram as nrs James.

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