Can Aboniki balm kill liceCan Aboniki balm kill lice

Price of aboniki balm in Nigeria 

Are you having any pains or aches in your body but still looking for the best pain relieving cream to use on it, that means you haven’t heard of aboniki balm.

Especially in this rainy season you definitely need this balm to help your family stay warm and even help relief you of any cough. That’s why you should get it for your family.

Aboniki balm is a very powerful pain relieving cream that can be used for muscle, joint and general body pains. If properly applied will help you soothes aches and pains while helping you feel comfortable and experience a deep heat.

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In today’s post we will focus on showing you some of the details about

  • Aboniki balm
  • How to use it
  • Side effects
  • How much it is
  • Where to get it
  • And how to use it to kill lice

Now let’s get started

What is Aboniki balm and what is it used for

Aboniki balm is a very strong pain relief cream that us suitable for relieving pains such as joint, muscle and general body pains.

If you are having any body pains amd you are looking for a soothing cream for your body, joint and muscle pains then you should go for the balm. It’s trusted by millions of families in Nigeria for the treatment of pains and body aches.

Uses of aboniki balm
Uses of aboniki balm

Aboniki  balm is a very essential medicine for treating many discomforting pain related issues. It can also be used when having Catarrh or nasa congestion or even when you have lice on your hair. You see this balm is multipurpose.

How much is Aboniki balm in Nigeria 

With the current economic conditions of the country it’s good you have good knowledge 9f price of goods before going to the market. This will help you keep track of the latest changes in prices of goods and services in tue countrt.

Which is why we here at jamesnuggets always help keep you updated with the latest price of your choiced drugs in the Nigerian pharmacy.

Currently the price of aboniki is now 500 Naira per bottle, that’s how much it’s been sold in my area, which I think is the general price.

If you wants it in bulk quantities you can get a dozen of it for just 5,000 Naira and a carton of 4 dozens is now been sold for just 20,000 Naira. That’s the current price for now, we will still update you if there is a change in price.

Where can I get my aboniki balm from 

The balm is readily available in pharmacies in Nigeria at a moderate prices, it’s very much available, all you have to do is visit any pharmacy near you and order for your own bottle of aboniki balm.

You can still order from us, by simply messaging us via WhatsApp through 07036836954 and we will deliver it to you.

How to use Aboniki balm 

Like I said earlier aboniki balm is a multipurpose cream and it’s very good in treating many discomforting pains, kill lice, treat cough and even help treat cough. Aboniki balm is very good if used the right way, if properly used it can treat the above listed sickness.

Here are some of the best ways to use it :

How to use Aboniki balm for cough

Aboniki balm can be used to treat chronic cough especially at a minor stage. It’s very simple, you will have to drop some quantities of it into a hot water, then make the patient to drink from it.

In some cases the patient will be advised to kick it just like that, this will help soothe the cough and will help relief you of the cough.

Can Aboniki balm be swallowed

Yes, it can be swallowed especially of you have cough, but it must be in mild quantities. Always consult your doctor before swallowing the balm.

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How to use Aboniki balm for blocked nose

If you are having block nose or runny nose, it can be treated with aboniki balm, all you have to do is get a good quantity of the balm and bring it close to your nose. Sniff it gently till the mucus dissolve and run out.

Uses of aboniki balm
Uses of aboniki balm

Note, don’t rub it on your nose, bring it close to your nose but don’t apply it on the nose.

Can Aboniki balm kill lice

This is one of the most frequently asked questions, especially girls that has lice on their hair. If you have tried all sorts of treatment for your hair lice, then I bet you should try aboniki.

Just apply a mild quantity of it to your hair scalp and to your hair, rub it all over and then leave it for sometime.

Note: it will be a bit painful but you should endure it, wiry the pain it will help kill the lice in your hair.

Does aboniki reduces swelling

Aboniki balm can be used to treat swelling in any parts of your body, especially at the muscle, joints and even on your face.

Get a good quantity of the balm apply it on the affected parts, massage it mildly and then leave for some time.

Side effects of using aboniki balm 

Just like every other cream, aboniki balm also has it own side effects which includes: hotness to the skin, burning on the hair and even having a sour taste.

Uses of aboniki balm
Uses of aboniki balm

Always consult your doctor before using the balm to avoid any potential effects, if you experience any diverse effect, discontinue and consult your doctor for help.


Aboniki balm has numerous uses which makes it an ideal pain relief cream for every family. Make it apart of your wellness routine, also always use it According to a doctor’s prescription.

If you have any questions or suggestions kindly use the comments box below. All the information on this content is accurate and well reviewed by nurse James.

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