How much is synriam dosage for adultsHow much is synriam dosage for adults

How much is synriam dosage for adults

Have you tried treating malaria with all kinds of drugs but you still can’t get rid of it. Then worry no more, the final solution is here, with the right synriam dosage for adults you can now say bye bye to malaria.

Having malaria can be very disturbing as it makes people feels sick with symptoms such as high fever, chills, pains, sore in the mouth, bad taste in the mouth, weakness and the rest of them. The good news is with special tablets like synriam you can better.

What is Synriam tablets and it’s uses

Many people are just hearing the name for the first time, which is why we really need to help you understand better about this tablets.

Synriam 150mg/750mg is a good antimalarial tablets that is used to treat acute uncomplicated malaria.

Its a combination of piperaquine and artelorane which are all effective in the treatment of malaria and beating it symptoms. It should be taken as directed by the doctor for proper treatment.

Price of Lonart DS in Nigeria

Before we discuss with you the price of synriam tablets, let’s first of all treat what’s causes malaria and how to prevent them.

What causes malaria

Just like we were taught in school malaria is caused by a tiny germs called parasites which are carried by mosquitoes especially the female Anopheles mosquitoes.

When a mosquitoe that has this germs bites you, it transmit the germs to your blood, which can later develop into malaria.  The germ transmitted is called plasmodium.

How much is synriam dosage or adults
How much is synriam dosage for adults

Once the plasmodium finds it way into your body, it causes sickness like high fever, chills and tiredness. Which is why you need to take the best preventive measures to keep mosquitoes away from you. This can be achieved by using mosquito repellent, wearing long sleeves, keeping your environment clean and sleeping under a mosquitoes net.

How let’s go back to the main topic of discussion,  which is to know the price of synriam dosage for adults and where to get them.

Price of Synriam dosage for adults 

Synriam tablets is a one stop for malaria symptoms, which is why its recommended to people with acute uncomplicated malaria symptoms.

A packets of a synriam tablet is sold for #4,000 with 3 tablets inside the packet. This medicine is to be taken 1 tablets per day for the complete 3 days or as directed by your doctor.

Synriam tablets should be taken after meals and you must not miss a day, always make it a priority to take your drugs regularly.

With just #4,000 You can get the best synriam dosage for adults.

Where can I get a packet of synriam tablets

Synriam tablets is readily available in pharmacies in Nigeria at the moment, just visit any Pharmacy near your neighbourhood and request for a packets of Synriam tablets.

How much is synriam dosage for adults
How much is synriam dosage for adults

You can still order for your packets of synriam dosage for adults from us by messaging us on WhatsApp via 07036836954. Once you place your order we will get it delivered to you.

Direction for use of Synriam 150/750mg tablets 

Just like every other drugs, synriam dosage for adults must be strictly adhered to, which is why we have listed out the direction on how to use synriam tablets. Some of which includes;

  • Make sure you eat before taking this drug, as foods helps it works more effectively.
  • Never you adjust the dose on your own, follow the doctors prescription at all time.
  • Do not chew or crush the drug as some people do, swallow it whole with a glass of water.
  • Always consult your doctor before taking the drug

Side effects of  synriam 

Just like every other malaria drug, synriam tablets also had it own side effects which will be discussed below;

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Asthenia

These are all the common side effects of taking this synriam dosage for adults, when this happens it’s good you consult your doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Is Synriam good for pregnant women

No, synriam is not to be taken by pregnant women as it may harm the baby. There are other malaria drugs available for pregnant women to take.


Synriam tablets is a very good malaria drug for treating acute uncomplicated malaria, which is why we recommend it for you. It can be taken together with painkill like aspirin as it will help you combat malaria and pains.

How much is synriam dosage or adults
How much is synriam dosage for adults

Synriam dosage for adults is 1 tablet per day for three days, make sure you complete the complete dose as specified by your doctor.

Before taking this synriam dosage for adults it’s good you consult your doctor especially if you have previously used another malaria tablets

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